Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Watch this space

If we were to list items that had a Community of Ownership and Interest – a COI – we would include items and locations that were in, and perceived to be in public ownership – public places and spaces – places such as parks; or rivers; monuments and memorials; musingplaces et al and clearly the list is as endless as the kinds of attachments people have for places, things and events. 

Musingplaces within this mix share networks of people with intense interests in them as institutions and the objects and ideas they house and collect on behalf of the COI.

And then there is the issue of 'cultural property' and 'cultural knowledge' where there are subliminal layers of 'cognitive ownerships' that increasingly come into play. For instance, with the changing ways Indigenous cultural material – Australian & other – is currently being understood in a postcolonial context cultural property is now openly contested.

The contributions to this site in one way or another will deal with the issues surrounding musingplaces and the increasingly contested ground upon which they stand.